The heat resource is analyzed with the data of the daily mean temperature of the meteorological stations in pengzhou city 摘要利用彭州市境内市气象站、新兴、白果坪的日平均气温资料,进行热量资源分析。
Using monthly and daily mean temperature data from 726 stations ' s across china mainland for period of 1951 to 2001 , the author established the time series of mean temperature for the region , and analyzed the decadal variation and change trend in temperature and temperature - defined growing season over the past 51 years 利用中国726个站点1951 - 2001年的逐月和逐日平均气温记录,分析研究了中国1951 - 2001年气温和1961 - 2000年温度生长期的变化及其趋势。结果表明, 1951 - 2001年期间,中国气温上升明显,增暖过程从80年代开始, 1987年以后,增暖趋势有了进一步加快的趋势。